
January 30th, 2015 - Eli


Day 4 1/2 Vietnam

The overnight train towards Saigon is a journey all its own. We walk from our hotel to the station and arrive early. What we think is some official showing us our car is a tricky trickster. He demands money from us as he puts us in the wrong sleeper car. Gesturing at his ID card. Eventually we pay the guy about 2 dollars so he will leave. We’re not used to this trickery and we have made peace with the small little scams that are everywhere. Our sleeper car sleeps 6. It’s full when we leave and nobody but dawn and I speak English.
train ride

We leave at 10pm sharp and I’m up on and off all night as we stop at different stations. We have no idea where we are. The sun starts to shine at 6 and we see our first views of the country. It’s stunning rice paddies surrounded by dense vegetation sprawling in the foggy morning. I wonder if the fog will burn off.
rice paddies from the train
It’s about 10 hours to HUE but we are stopping off in Dong Hoi to do some cave trekking. I spot temples sliding by in the morning. Little trails and muddy roads connect the small villages. Occasionally I see some pavement I’m guessing that’s the highway.
mountains in the mist
Our plan is to get off at the time we are supposed to arrive according to the ticket. Worse case scenario we will be close and our journey continues slightly modified. The stations have no signs we can read or even see from our car.

Read the other entries from our Vietnam trip below
Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 4 1/2Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 8 1/2Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14Day 15 Day 16Day 17Day 18Day 19Day 20Day 21

  1. I love the rice paddies, there is a peace to them, no Machines, no sprinklers, just people and water buffaloes , beauty beyond description, much like china :). Thank u for posting

    Comment by Connie on January 30, 2015 at 7:05 pm
  2. I was based at Dong Ha in 68-69 and traveled around some. It was a very scenic country, might have been nicer under a different situation.

    Comment by Bob Brown on February 1, 2015 at 9:56 am
  3. Yea it’s pretty strange to be here. I’m constantly amazed that nobody I’ve met here harbors any animosity towards America. It is beautiful country. We head to Hue tomorrow it’s been a pretty amazing trip so far.

    Comment by Eli on February 1, 2015 at 4:35 pm
  4. We are doing our best to see the country without baggage, but we can’t help think about and reflect on the hell that you, my dad, and so many other people experienced here.

    Comment by Dawn on February 3, 2015 at 9:14 pm

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