A friend of mine came by before a trip he looked at my bookshelf and says, hey do those cameras work? I’ve had some Minolta cameras sitting on my bookshelf for more years than I can remember at this point. I say they sure do… I took them down and forgot how to use them. Opened the back and exposed the film. Feeling stupid, I told myself you should use these. I find some of my old film and I mean old, like 90’s maybe older and put it in a Minolta x-700, its super expired old black and white film but heck its gonna go bad sitting here.
I buy a couple rolls of who knows what online. Shoot the couple I have and then find out just about nobody in New Orleans Developed film anymore.

I buy the easiest kit I can find, a Monobath chemical that develops 16 rolls. A pre-made and pre-boxed kit, just figure out how to get the film on the spool in the dark, pour the chemicals in and boom in a couple minutes you have something to look at. I can’t tell you how different and exciting it is, you just have to do it. It’s alchemy and magic. I never learned how to do this as a kid, many people did. I just shot and had it developed at the easiest place, whatever was open back in the day and there were lots of options. Today one.

I develop my couple rolls the cheapest film I could find and realize I want to shoot more. Like an addiction, but this is how I learn and if I want it, I do it.

Fast forward a couple months, and I finally have some photos id sell, I have a process I think is professional, at least something if a client asked me id say yes let’s do this. And having just bought one of the greatest digital cameras ever made, it’s just funny, I have something that can create anything instantly whatever I can dream it can do. And I go back to the hard way, at least for now that’s whats driving my fever dream.

I think it has to do with something being lost in the clinical sharpness of the digital photos we have all been inundated with on instagram, and the like. Everything is over-saturated, digitally manipulated and jumps into the you know its real but it looks too real category. As a photographer you want to “do it in camera” I started that by just shooting jpegs this year and directly publishing from them, no digital manipulation. Just to see, and now I’m shooting film. If we don’t stop ourselves from doing the things we want I think we are capable of greatness.

The cost, the cameras, the lenses, all insane, hard to get, none of it makes sense, you have to do a lot of research. No current company besides Leica even makes a good film camera today. Nothing you could call professional and rely on, my youngest camera was made in the 90’s my oldest in the 70’s. I like the idea of using something as old as me, but I like some of the modern features, like auto-winding. I try and not stop myself when I feel creative, and I hope you all do the same.

I posted on Instagram and Facebook earlier this year, right before mardi gras that this year I’m shooting for myself. I’ll shoot your events but with no demands, if you invite me you will get what I make, as a way to lower the stress in my life. That will continue, so shoot me an invite. If I can ill come no strings attached and shoot your event, party, whatever. I’m looking to grow expand, collaborate and have fun.

As a self proclaimed technologist, i think knowing and mastering the past is how we move forward. To all the people I made fun of for shooting film sorry, this shit is great. I get it now, I’m in, and I owe you a coffee.
Films I love below in no order at all.
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