
So it’s about the time to start planning if you want to come down here for Mardi Gras. you have plenty of time to save money, get some tickets and let Dawn and I know you are coming. I just wanted to give everyone the dates that are important to us in case you want to join in on the fun.

February 15th start off the season with Krewe du Vieux

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If you have never been, or are nervous about coming this is a great parade that you can watch from our porch. It’s kinda not kid friendly, that is to say if your kids don’t know what penis or vagina is. The people are tastefully lewd and super nice to all. You will have a blast. The people are clothed but some of the floats are of giant penis and vagina. So use your own discretion. Dawn and I love this one and we do have a major party for it at our place.

February 21-22-23rd is when the big parades kickoff, you have Krewe of Cleopatra add to calendar, and Excalibur on the 21st, Krew of Choctaw, and Knights of Sparta (add to calendar) on the 22nd, and on the 23rd you have The Krewe of King Arthur and Merlin, and the Krewe of Thor. All of these are big bead and throw catching super parades. Its fun you can have drinks and dawn and I know some great places to watch the parades. I will be your escort if you need.

Dawn’s Krewe walked in King Arthur last year here are the photos.

But the hidden Gem’s that weekend for Dawn and I are parades that are a little closer to our house.

The first pick for me is the Krewe of Chewbacchus its on Feb 22nd this is a sci-fi themes parade that dawn and I went to last year you can watch some of the video footage here. It was zoo much fun and if your into scifi at all bring a costume and join in. Last year the real Chewbacca was the parade master I don’t know who it is this year but I’m sure it will be badass. The Krewe of Chewbacchus walks around the Marigny (that’s where we live) and its a really good time.

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And on Feb 23rd you have the Krewe of Barkus as the name sounds you can probably guess its all doggies dressed up in Mardi Gras costumes. It’s really fun and its one of the only parades in the french quarter. add it to your calendar

The next big weekend is the weekend of the 26th, Dawn’s Krewe (the pussyfooters) will be in these parades so if you want to see Dawn in a parade this would be the weekend to come. Ill be your escort and if its a small group Ill give you a camera, and you can walk in the parade with me and take photos of them and act like we belong. Trust me you want to do this. That or you can just ask Dawn if there are Pussy Handler spots open and you can walk with her Krewe. This is another experience not to be missed.

Feb 26th Krewe of NYX Dawn’s Krewe marches in this one and I think dawn will do this one this year. Stay tuned for updates. add to your calendar

Feb 27th Krewe of Muses – all women parade thats pretty amazing its one of my favorite ones to watch and I took a lot of photos last year. check them out here. Add to your calendar

Feb 28th Is Krewe of Morpheus, I mean come on with a name like that you know its good. I think this one has a ton of horseback riders half naked and looking rad. Its another total bead parade so if you do just this weekend alone you can easily get a garbage bag of beads that you will inevitably leave at my house and Ill throw away for you. Add to your calendar

That brings us up to Mardigras weekend. If your going to come book a flight soon, and find a place to stay or ask us asap. We have space but its going to go fast and this weekend is one of the best times you can legally have anywhere in the world.

The parades this weekend start on Saturday and pretty much everyone is off from Sat-Wed. So needless to say its a lot of partying.

Saturday March 1st Krewe of Iris and Tucks (add to calendar) are the parades that we could go see without getting in a car. I don’t think Dawn and I went to either of these last year as the Super Bowl and other things were happening. It was a crazy weekend but these parades are accessible by a long walk or a trolly ride.

Sunday March 2nd You have Krewe of Okeanos, Mid-City, Toth (add to calendar), Bacchus, and Napoleon. All of these parades go on the same route, so basically if your into catching beads and watching some of the largest parades with the biggest floats this is a good day to pick a spot and camp out. The parade day starts at 11:00 and goes until around 8pm so its a marathon not a sprint. If you love parades this is your day hands down.

Monday March 3rd you have Krewe of Proteus, and Krewe of Orpheus. (add to calendar) More Big Parades, by this time you will probably be burnt out, if you want to go Ill show you the way and Ill be preparing for Tuesday.

Tuesday March 4th – Mardi Gras Congrats you made it. This may be the longest thing written on our little website. Its Mardi Gras, we have some amazing things to share with you today. If you stay with us and your motivated as all hell you can get up at 7am and head over to see the Krewe Of Zulu and the Krewe of Rex these are the biggest baddest Krewe’s in the city and they are some of the oldest and most amazing to see. I have never made it to either but I have seen just 2 or 3 members of Zulu when Dawn’s Krewe did a event in the French quarter and I have to say its one of the most powerful things I have ever seen. I only have a couple photos from that event you can see them here. (yes that is dawn with the saints) It’s really amazing.

What you will probably end up doing if your here visiting us is staying at our house for bloody mary’s, and watching the Saint Anne Parade walk by. It starts early (add to calendar) and it is not to be missed. Its a stream of people for hours and hours all dressed up. If you come on Mardi Gras get here a couple days early to make a costume or bring one from home you will want one. Once its about totally passed we follow it into the french quarter, and from that point on you will have your Mardi Gras experience.

Once we step off don’t be afraid to get lost. (Phone service for the most part just dies, the services are so overloaded nobody can get through. Just bring your phone as a camera) As long as you remember where your home is your fine. As a matter of fact I recommend going somewhere you have never been. Follow a band, stop in a new bar, go somewhere and get lost, head down to the Mississippi and watch people dump ashes (its a tradition here) Mardi Gras isn’t just about booze, tits, and costumes, although they are nice, its a really amazing journey that you can share with someone or go it alone.

Its a day of revelry and amazement. It truly is a day that New Orlenians live for. I can’t really imagine how I ever lived without something so spectacular in my life. If you have questions ask them here Ill answer for all to see.

If you want to keep up to date, just follow our calendar. You can also add it to your calendars so you can see it anytime. We keep it up to date with interesting things to do in NOLA and with the dates we have people staying. So if your looking to book a flight check it and see if someone is already going to be here.

  1. I want this to happen!

    Comment by DeAnn on August 17, 2013 at 12:32 am
  2. ooh it is happening

    Comment by Eli on August 17, 2013 at 3:42 pm
  3. How have I not joined in one of your festivities yet? LOVE the site and the fab fun/life you guys are having!

    Comment by Lara on August 18, 2013 at 10:27 am
  4. No idea. Maybe it’s cause you do live quite a long distance.

    Comment by Eli on August 19, 2013 at 7:51 am
  5. I am so confused right now, so many dates, events. So much organized madness. one way or another, I do want to come visit you guys, this year – hopefully for Mardi Gras.

    Comment by Korgun Maral on August 19, 2013 at 10:18 pm

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