
October 4th, 2013 - Eli

Comments Off on September.. that was fast..

Dawn and I started september off with a bang, as you can see in the last post, she danced in the Decadence Festival, and I got kinda drunk and took photos.

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The Next week we went to see the The Wild Tchoupitoulas and man was that a show, if your in town and they are playing don’t miss it.

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We also went to a indoor huge antique sale, where dawn tried on about 4000 pieces of clothing and I sat around and stared at old engine parts.. You know… cause thats the manly thing to do.

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Then Linuxcon happened and Raz came down from new york and we had a great time, although we did drink slightly too much the first night, so the opening keynote we were late for. But we did meet Gabe Newell outside of the door and that was good enough for me.

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And just last weekend, we did the Walk a Mile for a child event and although its a somber event, it was a really nice day, with Bob our neighbor. To reward ourselves we went out to the Dong Fon Bakery and had some PHO.. and man it was soo good.
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This week some friends of ours are moving into down for the next month or two, and I’m excited to go out and hang with them. Before they moved here I tried to help them find a place on our side of town so we would actually get to see them and below is a photo of the street there on. Pretty awesome if you ask me.

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With that said, I have to get this house clean and get in the shower its almost lunchtime and as you all know, hunger waits for no man or some such smart nonsense.

Until next month. I bid you farewell



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