
December 31st, 2013 - Eli

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Well another amazing month here in the crescent city. We miss you all and wish you were here. With that said we are also glad sometimes to have downtime, even if we choose not to be down.

We started the month off right with the krewe of jingle. Dawn and the pussyfooters were in the largest christmas parade of the year here. It’s pretty amazing that she gets to do that, and I get to tag along without any hassle.


This was the last big event I shot with my canon 5D MK II and then I sold it.


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December 12th, 2013 - Eli

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What a wild couple months,
We have been to nyc and back, had thanksgiving in Brooklyn, danced in the streets, I have sold most my camera gear (tis the season to get me new gear) I have a new laptop on the way well shortly and Ive re-done my personal website elimergel.com let me know what you think. Dawn has been working hard, I have been hard at trying to work, working on myself learning new things each day and becoming a pretty decent cook.

We love this city, not to brag but when I look at your weather, I smile. Its so amazing we live somewhere where its cold today in the 50’s. Not bad for december, our lemon tree actually produced some fruit this year, our cats caught some lizards and butterflies. We got out in our canoe and I’ve been looking at doing a little online schooling for design and website stuff. Were ramping up for mardigras season with guests coming pretty much through the season, we can’t wait. if your coming please let us know, leave a comment, send an e-mail you know how to contact us if your reading this website.
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October 4th, 2013 - Eli

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Dawn and I started september off with a bang, as you can see in the last post, she danced in the Decadence Festival, and I got kinda drunk and took photos.

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The Next week we went to see the The Wild Tchoupitoulas and man was that a show, if your in town and they are playing don’t miss it.
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September 3rd, 2013 - Eli

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Another month came and gone, another guest as well, seems faster every time. The months fly buy when your out doing things, and having fun. We spent quite a bit of this month camping and at the beach so that was fantastic, and it went by so fast with labor day I have even included some of the labor day parade photos from here.

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We spent time making new friends, and seeing old ones (not that old).

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So it’s about the time to start planning if you want to come down here for Mardi Gras. you have plenty of time to save money, get some tickets and let Dawn and I know you are coming. I just wanted to give everyone the dates that are important to us in case you want to join in on the fun.

February 15th start off the season with Krewe du Vieux

Visit our calendar to add it to yours

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August 13th, 2013 - Eli


Dawn and I had a great couple weeks, we got back from our camping / friends family reunion trip a couple weeks ago and its been amazing to be back here in New Orleans.

If you would like to see some of the photos from the Trip to oregon check out hoedown.co Ill keep posting photos from the trip as people mail them in.

Last weekend we met a couple of people from new york. A recent transplant and a friend of his were down here. Both of them lived in Jackson Heights a neighborhood many people don’t even know. Thats the first place I lived when I was in NYC. It was cool to meet people from there and we spent most of last weekend together hanging out and partying.

This weekend Dawn and I took a little camping trip to Ft Pickens, really close to Pensacola, and a place I never would have imagined was so cool. Wow we had a great time. It was really really hot. But it was well worth it, our new friend Aroldo came with us and we spent the days on the beach and checking out the wildlife.

The last night there we got to see a armadillo up close and dawn followed him around for about a half hour with a flashlight. What an interesting little creature. Other animals seen on our trip, a Giant Blue Heron, Some other huge crane type birds, Osprey, tons of shorebirds, crab, dolphins, fish, ray’s, manta-rays, and lots of snakes, lizards, and other creatures. It was a really cool camping experience. Well worth the sunburn and the heatstroke.

Dawns mommy comes in a week or two and we hope to repeat the experience.

So until next time.

  • Eli

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