The Family Ties Second line kicked off this weekend and Dawn and I went along for the ride.
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The Family Ties Second line kicked off this weekend and Dawn and I went along for the ride.
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What can you say about something that’s so much fun even my photos won’t come close to doing it justice. This year our gypsy friends Carey and Demir were in town. We Wrangled them into marching with the pussyfooters holding the banner, I think they had a pretty good time. Read the rest of this entry »
The light pours in the front of the house in the morning. The sun greets you as you step out. Monkey (the cat) lazily rests by one of the side windows overlooking the lot next to us. It’s quiet. Traffic is sparse the road dead ends at the church. The train whistle blows. This is the experience In the morning.
The the light filters through the trees it lands on the deck. Lizards jump from plant to plant. It’s time to mow the lawn again. Summer here is hot the grass loves it.
We moved in last week, it’s just now starting to feel like a home. We have a kitchen! We made wonderful dumplings and just enjoyed being here.
The walls are sparse, boxes piled high and the list of things to do long. We have time, each other and love. We can do anything.
The neighborhood is a strange mix young new faces and people that have lived here for generations. It’s good to be out of our comfort zone, pushed to be creative, make new friends, and change how we see the world.
Dawn was at a wedding so i ventured out into the bunchy this year on my own. On my way out the door I spied a familiar face across the street. It was my friend Dre from NYC.
He had no idea i was living in New Orleans, i had no idea he was here to visit the city. So i took him under my bunny wing and threw a pair of ears on him and told him to follow me. The rest is a blur of excitement, bunnies, friends, drinks, and stories told way past our bedtimes. Read the rest of this entry »
Super Sunday you get to see indians. Not the bang bang shot em up kind you grew up with but an amazing tradition dating back way further than I have time to truly explain properly. For more info click here.
We get up around 10am, slide out of bed and start our day like normal. The morning glides by and its noon before we know it. We mount the metal 2 wheeled steeds (bikes) and take off towards A.L. Davis Park. We stroll through the French quarter green beer, green hats and beads adorn the people in the quarter. Its almost St Patricks day so people are getting ready. Read the rest of this entry »
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Do what ya wanna.
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Dawn my awesome wife.
What a year,
As many of you have guessed, by our lack of getting you cards, gifts, well anything. We have a pile of stuff that should go to the post office, hopefully before we head to Vietnam on the 22nd. If not I am sorry we love you all anyway. Please accept some photos from the Lady Rollers Second Line as payment for my lack of fortitude and determination to get to the post office.
Below are links to the full albums from each year I have attended the Lady and Men Rollers second line.
Follow me on instagram for updates this year. My year of black and white is over so this will be one of my last black and white photo-sets. And my workflow will be changing a bit, maybe not so many flickr photosets. Read the rest of this entry »
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It’s been a couple days since I last posted a week I guess? Well this is what happened.
Dawn and I attended Krewe of Jingle with the pussyfooters.
We met up with Caroline and Lisa for a stroll through the quarter in costume. Which is always greeted with smiles.
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First off its been a long couple of months, and to be honest we are beat.
We have had guests here for…, well 2 months solid at least and that wears you out eventually. With that said we wouldn’t have it any other way. We are tired but its that good tired after you had a nice long workout or a day at the beach.
We just had po-boy fest happen, Mike came out to enjoy and above you can see some of his sisters kids awesome facepaint work.
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