
January 22nd, 2017 - Eli

Comments Off on Women’s March New Orleans – AKA – Hello America, meet the resistance

Early in the morning it rained. The skies cleared shortly after and women all over the world marched.

It felt so hopeful, so magical, so awesome.

Hello America, meet the resistance. They are mad.

They should be.

This is the first day it’s felt hopeful.

This is what the resistance will be, it’s a fierce one.

I have never seen anything like it.

A friend told me she has been organizing events for 20 years and this by far was the largest thing she had ever seen.

I ran to the front and then walked back, the parade was so large it was still leaving the park by the time the front reached the end.

This is what non violent protests should be.

This is how you do it.

I’m so proud of my wife, her friends, my friends for participating.

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