
Category: Fun

November 12th, 2014 - Eli


Our Trip.

SmellCircus NYC FUMBO 8 from SmellCircus on Vimeo.

Dawn and I ran up to NYC for "the only film festival that doesn't suck" FUMBO.

I want to thank G, and Bo our wonderful friends for letting us crash at your house and use up all your hot water. Toly and Cobey for putting FUMBO on and making this a reality. All the other film makers party goers and degenerates. You all rock and make us smile.

More info at http://fumbo.org
More awesome at https://smellcircus.com


November 11th, 2014 - Eli

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Dawn and I got an invite we couldn’t resist from an old friend to come up to NYC this weekend and attend FUMBO 8, the only film festival that doesn’t suck. Below is our video and below that are photos from our trip.

Halloween Weekend NOLA 2014 from Eli Mergel on Vimeo.

We made all kinds of plans to film something for fumbo but we ran out of time and went to voodoofest instead. Deal with it.

So this will be slightly out of order, Ill post some voodoofest photos later but I figure since I cover voodoo fest and krewe of boo in the video its ok.

Getting ready
Fumbo 8
On the way to Fumbo 8
Fumbo 8
People watching a movie at Fumbo
Fumbo 8

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November 5th, 2014 - Eli

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Hello everyone this weekend has been amazing, a whirlwind and its not over yet, but I thought id share the Krewe of boo photos just to get them up here for anyone looking at the site for them.

Dawn’s Krewe the Pussyfooters were in the parade so of corse I tagged along and took photos. It was a total blast, thanks again ladies for letting me play.


Full Album Here






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October 28th, 2014 - Eli


Since Sept we have been ramping up for Halloween and for friends, we have had quite a few guests in the month or two? since I last posted. My man Steve (picture not included) and my man korgun have been here as well as dawns mom. Its been another whirlwind couple of months. Which right now makes me tired but ultimately we love.

Dawn and I have been great! Were married now and its a strange Label to put on your relationship. It feels weird to call her my wife and I think that feeling goes both ways. We have known each other so long as friends, lovers, its just another strange label. We didn’t change our names or anything because well why? Were in love as much as ever and well yea. you get it.

I have been posting a lot on instagram and on tumblr if your looking for more updates and more photos id check those links out.

Photos to follow.

Dawn made a new mohawk.

Anba Dlo Festival

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So as you can see we updated the website.

Screen Shot 2014 08 15 at 11 32 40 AM
Well your looking at after so I’m not going to add a photo.

So…. On the the next news.

Dawn and I got married!

What can I say, I tried to shoot my own wedding and with a little help from raf we pretty much accomplished it. So below are some of the photos and some of my thoughts.

But before that.

Dawn and I want to let everyone know we wanted to keep this wedding small. So that’s what we did. We made some hard decisions not to include a lot of people. So we hope you will join us sometime Feb or later for a New Orleans wedding reception. Dates will be picked and invites will be sent to everyone.

Now on to the photos.

Full Album is up here.

Cool off

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August 10th, 2014 - Eli


Hard to keep this site updated, we have been doing so much lately I’m just going to try and link some photos.

I had a Business trip to NYC after we last spoke.


Hot dogs FTW


Then Dawn Aroldo and I attended a pool party that was quite awesome. Man I really want one of those fully enclosed pool / Deck / Outdoor areas. It was a Blast.




Gene and Jenia Came to NOLA for a little visit and to go to a wedding.
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April 29th, 2014 - Eli

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Since we last spoke we have survived mardi gras and had many guests Its been so long that I have almost forgot how to form a sentence. We had almost the whole 10100 crew arrive for mardi gras and we had some of the best costumes out there. The excitement ran almost as high as the booze intake as you can see from the photos below.




Unicorns like beer

More Mardi Gras photos Here

As you can see we declared a war on sobriety and won in glorious fashion. It was a true test of endurance, boozing, friendship and glitter.

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