
February 2nd, 2023 - Eli

Comments Off on Mardi Gras 2023 underway

A cautionary tail for your Mardi Gras season.

I’ve been a bit of a drinker to massively understate it. I know what to do to survive. buuuuuuut… Sometimes you have to relearn the same things you’ve learned before. That’s insanity right?

So I come to… Saturday morning, its pitch black and I’m on the side of the highway.

I’m walking I don’t know where I am, hell right at that moment I don’t know who I am.

I see a light in the distance.

I dont have my camera, my wallet, my phone, my anything.

I have pants a shirt, shoes.

an Apple Watch!

I try and call Someone they are drunk and can’t help…

I’m pretty much screwed.. my battery runs out.

I walk towards a blue light in the distance. A car passes at what was probably 3 maybe 4 thousand, it was flying, I try and hitchhike and nobody is gonna stop, no way.

I must look… not worth it,.. this city.

A hour or so later it’s cold foggy and really long walk.

I get to a hospital, I know they will admit me if I seem to messed up so I just ask for a bathroom.

in the bathroom I boot up my brain and try and figure out what to do now.

I ask for a phone, but who knows numbers anymore.

After I remember my address, I ask the ladies at the counter for a cab.

I tell them I dont have anything.

they get me a ride.

sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar it eats you — man

I wake up dawn’s home, she has my stuff. I vanished in the middle of the night, I can’t be trusted. haha.

whats the take here, the moral, be careful y’all.

And ill see ya for the next round of boozo the clown.

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June 21st, 2019 - Eli

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It’s like 7 or some such bullshit time I shouldn’t be awake at. Heading to get the AC fixed in the car. It’s steamy and we’re set to break every hot weather record again this year. Don’t believe in global warming move to the south.

Dawn and I went for a bike ride last night and since I got a new phone. I just took the iPhone the new one has a pretty awesome camera.

Even though it’s hot as hell, fun must be had at all costs.

Until next time.


December 23rd, 2016 - Eli

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So 2016, what a year. Dawn and Eli have been just fine in their new home. They love cats, they love life. They acquired a new gato named ruckus this year. He has been a but of a poop terrorist but they do love his little face.
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October 21st, 2015 - Eli


What exactly Anba Dlo is you will have to click on through to the official festival website for the explanation.

From the website:
“The New Orleans’ spirit is about celebrating life; whatever the situation may be. This spirit is the basis for Anba Dlo- we come together to celebrate New Orleans’ important and changing relationship with water while educating on the important issues. Anba Dlo (Pronounced “Ahnbah Dlo”) is Haitian Kreyol for “Beneath the Waters” and is meant to acknowledge and honor the importance of water in our life.”

Dawn and I attended this year with some friends.
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July 13th, 2015 - Eli


We Bought a home

The light pours in the front of the house in the morning. The sun greets you as you step out. Monkey (the cat) lazily rests by one of the side windows overlooking the lot next to us. It’s quiet. Traffic is sparse the road dead ends at the church. The train whistle blows. This is the experience In the morning.
monkey lounging

The the light filters through the trees it lands on the deck. Lizards jump from plant to plant. It’s time to mow the lawn again. Summer here is hot the grass loves it.
back deck

We moved in last week, it’s just now starting to feel like a home. We have a kitchen! We made wonderful dumplings and just enjoyed being here.
dawn and treats

The walls are sparse, boxes piled high and the list of things to do long. We have time, each other and love. We can do anything.

The neighborhood is a strange mix young new faces and people that have lived here for generations. It’s good to be out of our comfort zone, pushed to be creative, make new friends, and change how we see the world.


April 10th, 2015 - Eli


Full Album

Dawn was at a wedding so i ventured out into the bunchy this year on my own. On my way out the door I spied a familiar face across the street. It was my friend Dre from NYC.


He had no idea i was living in New Orleans, i had no idea he was here to visit the city. So i took him under my bunny wing and threw a pair of ears on him and told him to follow me. The rest is a blur of excitement, bunnies, friends, drinks, and stories told way past our bedtimes. Read the rest of this entry »


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